Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In His hands

As rain falls from the night sky and lighting flashes in the distance I can honestly say I'm at peace with all and the world.

My life,my soul rest in the hands of the Lord.

Even though I'm in the world I'm not part of it.

My luck she's still around

Never heard of the man till the day he died.

Grandma Haynes' step Daddy.His name was Mr Bunn and he lived way up in hills and wilds of Alabama.He was way over a 100 years old.

As a little boy we went to Daddy's kin up there and down muddy rain slicked roads we traveled crossing some river on a hand pulled ferry.

This was the country.

I was 4 years old and in awe of the place.It was like going back in time.Back to the old west cowboy days.Everyone carried a gun even the Ladies.I remember one little old Lady who was wearing a long dress and bonnet and a big pistol in a holster on her hip.

At any moment I just knew The Lone Ranger and Tonto would pop out from behind a tree.Hi Ho Silver.

Night came fun ended.

This place was way back in the woods,in the boonies,the sticks.Daddy's uncle's house where we stayed had no electricity just kerosene hurricane lamps.Dark came quick.

Then I heard something outside.Something never had I heard before.

I was scared.

My first encounter with a hoot owl.

No I haven't forgotten about Mr Bunn.

I was 14 and me and Daddy went to the funeral.Funny but I can remember what I wore that day.A blue striped seersucker sport's coat,dark blue slacks and as always brown penny loafers.

One of the prettiest little painted white country churches I've ever seen was the setting for the funeral.Set way back off a dusty dirt road leading to the gravel parking area.Nestled in a grove of oaks set the little church.

I can only describe it as peaceful,serene a place I wouldn't mind waiting on Jesus to return.

After the service some little old Lady walked up to Daddy and said she had not seen him since he was a baby but still recognized him.I found this hard to believe and she went on to say to Daddy that he had been the prettiest baby she had ever seen. She glanced at me and rudely said you don't look anything like your Daddy.

You know I would like to go back there someday.

All in all it is a good memory except for that hateful old woman.

Be my luck she's still around.

Food and dead people

Strange dreams.

Seems I only have dreams about two things.

Food and dead people.

Last night it was food's time.Meatball sandwiches and Japanese spaghetti in a can.

Wait a minute.Daddy was there in my dream and he was picking out the place to eat.

Guess I was hungry and missing Daddy.

What I tell you?

Food and dead people.