Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The light is back

The light is back.

Two days in a row out of the corner of my eye I have seen it.It has been awhile since I've seen it and when I do it means someone is not long for this world.

It use to show up on my bedroom ceiling accompanied by the over powering smell of roses.

A light the size of a $.50 piece just floating around then poof with no warning it was gone.

Half way kidding I asked my TV watching comrade if he had seen that light on the wall and told him the meaning of it.His answer was "have you bumped your head?".

Maybe it is time for a cat scan or MRI of the old noggin but so far the light has never failed me yet.

As I look around wondering who's next who has the light come for is it that one no him oh no it's her maybe just maybe it's....... YOU!

The wanderers

I call them the wanderers.

Those unfortunate souls lost deep into their own little world.

I watched a little Lady today as she passed where I was sitting at least three times,her eyes just a blank stare like the way dead fish eyes look.Each trip by me she huffed and puffed worse tired from her wandering around and around in a circle.

I get skeptical

Where does the money collected go I wonder?

Every time you turn on TV or look at an ad people are asking for money for this disease that disease or some cause.

Does the money make it to the ones it is intended for?

I give you a personal experience of this.

When my Mom was sick with dementia(Alzheimer's can't be determined till after the brain is dissected)so dementia is usually the diagnosis she received no help at all from any of the organizations that say they help.

My Aunt applied for Momma to receive meals on wheels,I didn't care for their help anyway because I did the cooking for her but she did not qualify for some reason or another.

I applied for Momma help from a state agency that was to help elderly people but was told there was a long waiting time for an opening.Ironically the agency called a few days after she had died saying they had an opening.

I will say that home health did come out for a few weeks to help with her bathing and a social worker said the Hospital pharmacy would take care of her medications which at the time the pharmacist at the drug store said Mom had one of the costliest drug bills she knew of.

Thank goodness Mom's retirement pay covered her drug bill and insurance she kept from work after she retired.

So I'm sorry that I get skeptical of these people and organizations who say (they are here to help).

No really I'm not.

The Bad Egg

The Bad Egg.

That's me according to the preachers wife.So bad that her sons were not allowed to sit with me in church.

As in life there are usually two sides to every story.This one is no different.

East Newnan,Georgia is were all this takes place maybe I  was 13 years old at the time.

This is the place I started questioning authority figures at this little Baptist church my family attended.

The preacher had two sons one was my age the other was older and I never had much to do with him.

What most Mother's believe about their sons and what they actually do can be different things.

This story is about a life lesson learned.

My friend the preacher's son and I were playing basketball and making a dunk he hit the rim and ended up with a pretty good gash on his nose.

Don't tell how this happened because my parents won't let me play basketball anymore he pleaded.

Sure fine okay with me what ever he told his parents I would agree to the story.

Days passed and we were at some church function and out of the blue the preacher's wife said I had lied.

Now before being called a liar Momma had asked me how this kid had gotten hurt and I told her the real story because either way it was no skin off my nose so to speak.

Seems his Mom had been talking with mine and the subject of the gash on her son's nose came up.There were two completely different tales about the incident mine and his and the preacher's wife refused to think her son was telling a fib.

So a lesson was learned never take up for someone who you think might hang you out to dry like my friend did me.

So I became know as the Bad Egg at church.

But you know being A Bad Egg with a clear conscious ain't a bad label after all.

Moral of the story...know the whole story before you judge someone!