Saturday, August 23, 2014

It's their business

Don't you just hate it when people start talking or posting how in love they are with their wife,hubby,girlfriend/boyfriend, mistress or sugar daddy?

When ever I see hear this it makes me wonder.

Is it really that good of a relationship they are having or they trying to convince them self it good and ok or is it just a show and they hope everyone believes they have the perfect relationship.

They need to tell their who ever how much they really love them,keep it to them self.

It's their business and no one's else.

Where is my ribbon?

Where is my ribbon?

Seems there is a ribbon for every cause imaginable.

White,pink purple ribbons for all things such as cancer,aids,Alzheimer's on and on.

What color would my ribbon be?

I want a camo colored ribbon to symbolized my redneckness.Us rednecks are people also and we do suffer.

We suffer when the old 4 wheel drive Ford pickup gives up the ghost.We rednecks suffer when deer hunting season is over.Old Bubba the hound gets so old he can't hunt no more we suffer and I want a ribbon so the world knows my suffering.Momma stopped baking biscuits I suffer maybe my ribbon in this case would be made from a White Lily flower sack.I need a ribbon of some sort because I have to eat chicken bacon and turkey sausage.By the way will someone tell me how they take a piece of chicken and make it look like bacon.Maybe somethings are better left unknown.

Yes we rednecks do suffer.So the next time you see one of us just walk up to'em give them a big hug and a say a few kind words like I feel your pain here's your ribbon.