Friday, November 23, 2012

Page 9

Whew.Long night and that's putting it mildly.Don't think I slept anymore after those shots where fired at the cabin.A long night on the cold floor for me.

Sun is up and got a fire going coffee is in the pot brewing and Buddy and Freda have been fed.In a few minutes I'm going out and see if any tale tail signs of last nights shooters can be seen.

Fresh snow is covering the ground so any tracks will be easy to see.No trouble was taken in hiding their tracks.Guess they figured I was a dead man and no need in covering them.

Three men's tracks I see leading about a 100 yards off to where they tied their horses.Shells from their rifles I found easy.

Now let's think this over fer a bit.Three men on horseback,shooting at me,in the dark like little rotten scoundrel cowards now who fits that scene?

Those fool Jones brothers.


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