Thursday, December 2, 2010

No winner

Have you ever been slapped without a hand being layed on you?I have.Believe me it hurts just as bad .Words or looks hurt.I am trying to make a compassionate effort to put myself into others people shoes .Their feelings.Think before I say something that might be took the wrong way.My joking is often took the wrong way.Got to stop that.The second something leaves my mouth often I have thought that did not come out right.I didn't mean it that way.I be Hatti never would I hurt anyone.I mean their feelings.My actions are not always good.Ok it is a fault I have.I won't pick no more.I don't need a fight.No more.I never win.No one wins.

The Captain,Mr Green Jeans,Bunny Rabbit and me

Saturday mornings.About 6am.In my PJ'S.A bowl of cornflakes and sweet milk.Sitting on the floor in front of the black and white TV.Just me.No one is up.Watching the Indian test pattern waiting for another day of excellent broadcasting to start.So it was as a kid.TV was so important then.Any given day I could ramble off the programs and time they came on.In my innocence I remember wondering if the cowboys on those Saturday morning programs ever had to take a bathroom break.Dancing in front of the TV I didn't know that it was a one way mirror and they could not see me like I could them.Captain Kangaroo,Mr Green Jeans,Bunny Rabbit and Moose.I never could make anything the Captain did with a shoe box and scissors like he did.

Life worth living

I wish that love could be bottled up and dished out when ever you need it.Everyone needs it.Deny all you want but we do.There have been times in my life where even JohnLee has needed love.Someone who really cares.Someone who is our best friend.Lucky are those that find it and keep it.Have you ever noticed a puppy or other small animal who has never been hugged,loved and how they turn out in life?They become suspicious of everyone,they don't trust.They seem so unhappy.Humans turn out the same way I think.So I rank love right up there with food and shelter for us to survive.Oh you can live without but it makes life worth living.

The Dell guy

I could live without it but never would I want to.Computers and the Internet.That is what the subject is.2000 I think was the year I got a puter.Heck I ordered it from the Dell guy on TV.Thank goodness there was a color coded chart showing you how to hook it all up.I am a man and men don't read the instructions.Least I don't.It went togather good,no problems and there it was may computer,sitting on my desk that I have had since I was 10 years old.So that makes the desk 48 years old now.I am getting off track now but that is the way my brain works.I have a few things left from my childhood.I still have my old shotgun,20 gauge Stevens.I have the old desk.Story behind it is my Daddy had a tool box built for him and the man who built it had material left over so he built me a desk.Ok so it is small and my big feet won't fit under it anymore but I like it contrare to what others might think of it.What else do I have?A Levi blue jean jacket I bought in Newnan,Georgia at age 16 when I first started working.I can get it on but no way will it button up on me.I think it shrunk don't you?No.I got fat.O k what was my subject?What was I talking about?Oh yeah computers.I still only know how to turn them on.Click on an icon and off I go on the WWW.My window on the world computers are.I can look up anything.I can and have made friends on the computer.I think really computers are a God sent instrument.They can be used for so much good.Granted there are some bad awful stuff on them but even without computers that evil would still be lurking in man's mind.Good or bad,computers,I am so thankful I took a chance and called the Dell guy and got one.

Rubbing dirt on my clothes

The only pill I take is a low dose aspirin.Most of the time I forget it.The bottle is sitting on the computer so I can be reminded to take it.Let me count.I am suppose to be taking 3 more pills each day but I just gave them up.One for my diabetes ,one for blood pressure and another for cholesterol.Oh I do take over the counter pills for pain every once in a while.Never in my life was I a pill taker.Never was I one to go to the doctor either.When I was a little boy if my Daddy told me to keep my clothes clean we had some where to go after getting home from school I took that to mean you are going to the doctor and that means shots and that means pain.I think going to the doctor was one of my worst fears.Honest it still is.I always afraid they will find something and me personally if I got something that is going to kill me I would rather not know.Just let in slip up on me I say.The doctor sent me to the heart clinic here for what do you call it...a sonogram or something like that.Anyway it is the ultra sound thing they do with your heart.I got a call that an appointment to see a cardiologist had been made for me.Heck I did not go.I do know that my ticker beats way to fast but what ever else is wrong if I don't know about it I won't worry right?Now back to when I was a little boy.Like I said if I thought I was going to be taken to the doctor and I do mean taken no way would I go easy I would run under the house.hide and rub dirt all over my clean clothes.Sometimes that worked other times well.People in my family die of two things.Cancer or heart attacks.Neither is pleasant.So these days I am just letting nature take it's course.I think that our lives have been planned out from second one of our life.What will happen will.Why fight it.Don't get me wrong,like my Daddy said when he was on his death bed everyone wants to live as long as they can.I sure do.I just don't want to suffer a long painful death.Make mine quick please,no time for me to suffer or be scared if all possible.Oh well it is something we all will face someday.I don't even know how I got on this subject.Gee hope I haven't depressed you to much.Ok enough of this thinking.Let's have another cup of coffee.

Ding ding

Good morning everyone.I'm in a mood today.Sheesh.Ever have one of those days when you first open your eyes you just know today will be....I will let you fill in the blanks.I can just pick up on others feelings without a word being said.That is not good most of the time.Some days I just want to stay in bed or least till I can't stand it anymore.Get me one of those little brass bells and go ding ding when I need something.Ding ding bring coffee.Ding ding bring breakfast with grits,hash browns,bacon,biscuits and ding ding keep the coffee coming.Yeah in my dreams huh.But it was a thought anyway.