Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Make your own cell phone

Make your own cell phone parts list:
1.tin cans(2)
2.long piece of string

Assembly instructions:
1.punch hole in each tin can bottom
2.insert string into each hole
3.tie string into knot

Operating manual:
1.hold can up to ear to receive calls
2.speak into cans to make calls

Just thinking

Just thinking.Nothing else to do.Before you think I'm completely koo koo hear me out.

There seems to be no real proof of UFO's or the ones that fly them.With everyone toting a camera with them these days why hasn't one photo or video that proves beyond a doubt that UFO's exists surfaced.

Maybe they are here.We just can't see them.Maybe they exists in another dimension.Maybe they are cloaked you know hidden.

Another thing maybe they only come out in the day time when no one is looking for them.Maybe we do see them but just don't recognize them as being UFO's.Maybe those spots before your eyes are....well you get the picture.

Then again those spots before your eyes maybe are a sign to see the eye Doctor.

Georgia in June

Georgia in June.


And the ever present afternoon thunder storms.

This video I found on YouTube,it's not mine but gives you a good idea of what to expect on a Georgia afternoon in the summer time.

Those great commercials

I don't watch much TV.For almost a year a TV wasn't available to me.Well TV was but no cable.

Being a child of the TV generation I will admit TV was missed.But survive I did.

I read for the first time in my life.Books about the Civil War several of those and the Bible.I really got into that.

TV and cable now I enjoy well enjoy no not really.Same o same o reruns of this and that and baseball games.I rarely watch my favorite of NASCAR on Sunday anymore.

But thanks to Hulu,Veetle and other available TV services on the internet I lay right here in this comfy bed and can watch anything my heart desires.

The best TV programming in my humble opinion is of all things some of the commercials.

Those Publix grocery store commercials can make me cry.

GEICO insurance I know nothing of their company but their commercials are the best.Maxwell the pig is brilliant to me.Who ever writes that stuff please don't stop.The GEICO commercial about the Pillsbury doe boy going through the airport security and being so ticklish is funny to me.

I don't know what this says about me or the state of TV writing but if you get a chance pay attention more to some of the commercials.