Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Who cried the most

7 years old and I wanted to be a big boy and go to summer camp for 2 weeks.Not really, the real reason was my best friend Paul and his brother where going so thought I would tag along.Camp Viola in Mountville,Ga the oldest settlement in Troup County according to the sign.

I should have know better.Never had I been away from my folks before.They left me on the steps of the court house with all those other kids waiting on the bus to take us to the camp.

It was cool and fun sleeping in that big long barrack type building with open screened in windows.One side for boys the other for girls.Till this day I remember that musty smell of wet bathing suits and the smell of Colgate toothpaste and Dial soap.

There where games and hikes and lots of things to keep you busy but after a few days the new wore off and I had my first taste of being homesick.

I didn't know it at the time but my folks must have missed me also because they came to visit me but were told it would only make being homesick worst so I didn't find out about their visit till it was all over.

I did get over being homesick and enjoyed my 2 week stay.But I promised myself never would I leave my folks again.

On the bus bringing us back to where we got on it,the court house steps,there was my Daddy waiting.Who cried the most with joy being reunited was a toss up.

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