Thursday, May 22, 2014

From me to you with love

The weather is warm.

People are thinking vacation.

Going to the beautiful east coast of Florida's Atlantic Ocean or the much closer Gulf of Mexico.

Far be it me to scare anyone or cause worry but before you dangle your feet into that warm salty water take a look at this Public Service Announcement  from me to you with love.

Living wrong

As fate would have it for supper last night I got that awful baked fish and what somebody some where calls veggies.

Steamed carrots,squash and zucini mixed up together ain't what I call vegetables.I think they were going for looks.The orange,green and yellow colors were pretty. 

Top it off with french fries and a roll.Desert was this brownish yellow stuff called butterscotch pudding.

The fries were good and the roll I ate.

But get this!

Some got that great delicious homemade chili.

I must be living wrong.