Monday, April 1, 2013

Freedom of their souls

Busy day around the old home place today.A memorial for residents who passed away this year was held.A single white balloon in their honor was released in their memory as names where called out.

I watched as each balloon soared skyward.To me it symbolized the freedom of their souls released to the Heavens.


Sunny spring day
Get chopper out
Have some fun
Ride all about

Wind in face
Shaggy beard hair
Time to cruise
Nothing to lose

Big Harley ride
Twin pipes loud
Just me you
Don't need crowd

Transformation of my life...

Miracle of miracles my Dear friends.I JohnLee woke up this morning craving of all things turkey sasuage.Yes I don't know what happened.Maybe I bumped my head while in deep slumber but my need for fried pork sasuage or thin brown crispy bacon has left me.

Me of all people.I have been converted to a healthy food nut.Please no more burgers,fries or onion rings for me.I crave broiled chicken,cooked carrots and squash.No more greasy cornbread and big white butter beans.Feed that to your hogs mam give me cauliflower please.

Just the thought of biscuits and gravy makes me queasy.Keep your chips and dips.Nothing salty or fried will touch these lips.

Ban CoColas.Take it a step further than that mayor up there in New York City.No more McDonalds,Burger King or Krystals for me.

I have seen the light and it was bright friends.The evil of my ways have been exposed.I have only one explanation for this radical transformation of my life.

April Fool!

Chill pills

Chill pill.Sometimes I think they should be available when needed.Folks having a hissy fit,chill pill.Someone just having a bad day,chill pill.

Maybe chill pills would save lot of relationships.Fuss starting,chill pill.Grumpy moody,chill pill.Just feel like being mean and hateful,chill pill.

Yes I think chill pills are a good thing.So if you are stressed out,feeling grouchy,wanting to jump on your loved ones,chill pill.

Don't reach for that 2x4.Instead open a bottle of chill pills.