Thursday, November 28, 2013

No big deal

Holidays are no big deal for me.

Happy seeing them get here happier when they go.

Being alone is no big deal either.

Spent a few holidays going through the drive thru at some hamburer place.

No big deal.


Happy Thanksgiving Day
Food friends families
Turkey and dressing
Count your blessings

Think of those
Many less fortunate
Those who are
Sick hungry old

Be so thankful
God blessing you
Take nothing granted
Thankful not disenchanted

Some may

Green congealed salad
Makes me happy
Some may think
I  be daffy


22 degrees when I woke up.

Something was noticed.

No hawks flying,no crows fussing,no birds seen or heard at all.

Just 2 lone cranes flying toward the rising sun.

Green bean casserole

Happy green bean casserole day to you!

Let's talk about this green bean casserole stuff.

I will get to the point real quick.

Don't like it never have never will.

Why waste a can of french fried onions on green bean casserole.

Just give me that can of french fried onions.

My Momma was smart she never made green bean casserole.She spared me from that traumatic experience  of eating anything made with cream of mushroom soup.

I do have a hankering for lime green congealed salad.

Thank you Momma.