Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hell fire from above

The sky has opened up and hell fire from above has spewed upon the Earth.

More later...

Life on da po side

Here at the old folks home there are two wings separated by a long hall.

The North side and here where I stay the South side.

They are really the same but different.

Over her on the South side it is affectionately know as the po side,the dirty South or the projects as it's been called.

That long hall mentioned has double swinging doors that around 8 pm each night are closed shut.

I never figured out why.

Maybe to keep us folks from the po side from finding out how the other sides lives or what they do at night.

Maybe it's to keep those rich side folks from getting lost and ending up here in the project.

Rumor is it's party party party at night over there on the North side.

Food catered and brought in from Momma Bee's cafe and musical entertainment by folks like Little Richard and his band of renown.I don't know what renown means it just sounded like it would go good with the story.

I do remember seeing 3 long black limos pulling into the parking lot after 8 some times so might be something to that party thing.

Maybe on some dark foggy night me and my roomie Wille can do a secret op's detail and slip over to their side peek into the windows and see what really goes on.

Till then we can only guess.