Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just here to help part two

It has come to my attention that some of the people I have daily contact with here at the old folks home need further educating in how to speak Georgian and be understood and to understand.

During our last lesson which was to help all those Yankees ooops excuse me people north of Hogansville,Georgia with the basic concept of speaking proper English language it seems the lesson wasn't covered in depth enough.

So with love and respect for my Yankee ooops north of Hogansville,Georgia brethren and sisters I will explain a few more words you can use to be understood and to understand.

So friend pull you up a cheer(remember that is the proper way to pronounce chair)and lesson number 2 in our series will begin.

Now there are 4 kinds of cow milk can you name them?Buttermilk,skim,and chocolate are the easy ones but the 4th is what?The answer is sweet milk.Yankees ooops people north of Hogansville,Georgia incorrectly call it whole milk.

Now down here in Georgia and sometimes that western state of Alabama familes tend to be quite large.I'm talking chillins of 12 to 15 or more.I don't really know how Yankees ooops people North of Hogansville,Georgia do it but down here there is a thing called a pallet.A pallet is when grown folks take old patch quilt blankets spread them out on the flo(remember that is how floor is correctly pronounced)and that's where all your brethren and sisters slept separately may I add or when your family visited with kin folks and all the cousins slept on a pallet.

Well my Dear Yankee ooops friends and I might add loved ones north of Hogansville,Georgia that is enough of lesson 2.We shall meet again and proceed with lesson 3 soon.

Just because you where not fortunate enough to be born in Georgia don't despair you to can with practice learn to speak proper English.

Super crime fighting trio heroes

Super crime fighting trio  heroes.

My ideal choice would be Carl from Slingblade"got any taters hum",Mongo from Blazing Saddles"Mongo just pawn in game of life-",and Forest Gump from Forest Gump"you can't fix stupid".

And as the Beaver our backup for the super crime fighting trio heroes Steve"got any cheese?"Erckel.

Yes with this combination the world can rest and sleep easy at nights.

My reasons why.

Carl.He is a man of few words and what he thinks he does.Never would he have mortal man fear.

Mongo.Any man that can knock down a horse with one swing from his powerful fist would be needed and appreciated in any skirmish.

Forest.Now Forest is just a brave hero type person.He sacrificed his own safety to save Bubba in Vietnam getting wounded in the buttocks during the situation.Plus Forest played football for Coach Bear Bryant at the University of Alabama.

Yes the new three Musketeers plus Steve.

Sleep good America the super crime fighting trio heroes have got this!

Dude!!! Where's my grilled cheese?

Room 31 has a new roommate.

It's going to be interesting folks.

A little background information. Room 31 has 4 beds,A B C D.31 B is my personal space as I refer to it(I always have to remind my friend Gary that he is invading my personal space which is a story for another time).

Now bed 31C has a history.

I hate to say it but maybe that bed is jinxed,cursed or just plain unlucky.

Everyone that ends up in 31C either dies or how do I put this...has a personality conflict.It happens every time never fails.

Well guess what our new roomie is no different.Last evening around 5 pm he was wheeled into our humble abode.

When I returned back to the room last night I noticed a few things.First off I noticed a grilled cheese sandwich I had planned on being a snack later on was gone.The plastic storage bag was laying in the floor.The CNA said my laptop and other stuff I keep on a table where laying on the bed when she came into the room.I also noticed a pack of half eaten Cheetos laying on my table which the CNA said she had found laying under my pillow.Maybe it was a trade for the cheese sandwich but the Cheetos really belong to Wille my other roomie.

That's ok really I didn't need that delicious grilled cheese sandwich.

But all things considered we are lucky here in 31.

Down the hall there is a Lady who talks,shouts, fusses,cusses or cries 24/7.Her roomie all I can say is God Bless her.

Lord while your at it just bless us all.We need it.Thank you.

Yes my friends just another day around the old home place.

I've learned my lesson well...never leave your grilled cheese sandwich laying out.