Monday, November 8, 2010

My last bike

My last bike looked sorta like this one.It was a gold Schwinn,2 speeds,you had to back petal to change gears.Bikes where so much fun.You could travel from sun up to sun set.It meant freedom.We kids had bike races on a little dirt track we made.Everything was done with our bikes being the center of attention.Balloons tied to the spokes made them sound loud like a race car.Smoke bombs and those loud balloons.I remember when the training wheels where took off my first bike and Daddy gave me a shove down that steep hill on Juniper Street.I did ok except hitting a China Berry tree.Least it stopped me.I hit a car on a bike once.It was stopped in the road,my chain had came off,I had 2 choices,hit the car or barb wire fence on my left.Thinking fast I choose the car.I hit it at full speed.Landing on the rear window of the car the people cried out he is dead.No I'm not I said.I did break my front tooth and smashed the bike up.It wasn't even my bike.So that gets me back to the bike pictured here.My last one was like that.When I got my learners permit to drive a car I gave it away.But those days of bikes and summers sure where fun.

Best friend

Lassie.Lassie is on my mind.He was my first dog.Yes he was male but I named him Lassie.Uncle Lavert got me Lassie.Each time I seen my uncle I would ask for a dog.We where living at Standing Rock,Al at the time.Standing Rock had a store and that was all at the time.They have a post office now and that means their on zip code.There was an old deserted building when I lived there that maybe was a store or bank at one time.It has not changed much.It was and is just a spot in the road,on the road to bigger places.I remember some of the people there,not their names just memories of them.Anyway back to Lassie.He was white with a black face.When Lavert brought him to me he ran off and was gone for several days.I just knew never would I see him again.But Lassie did come back.Good thing there where not many houses for him to choose from.We where the best of friends.I had his love and companionship for 6 years.I still see him in my minds eye and I miss him.Lassie my dog,my best friend.

Little heathens

I am not inspired today.Nothing to write about.The kittens are becoming little heathens.They run and sound like elephants.How can something so small be so loud.They have my legs scratched up pretty good.But they are precious.Wish we could keep them all but we can't.