Thursday, November 8, 2012

Don't open the kitchen door after dark

Someone a friend told me a story today and I just have to retell it.Far as I know it is true so here goes.

This friend when she was a little girl like to spend some of her summer vacation at her Grand Ma's who lived in Lookout Mountain,Tennessee.

Know comes the scary part.Don't go into the kitchen at night she was told.Her Grand Ma would wire the kitchen door shut at bed time each night.Well my friend said that as a  little girl she had a almost incurable sweet tooth and at night always wanted something sweet.After everyone had gone to sleep off to the kitchen she went.

Reaching the kitchen which she said was quite large and dark she found it still wired shut.She heard a noise coming from the kitchen.The noise was something being dragged across the floor.This was enough and she left not trying to open the kitchen door.

Morning came and she found her Grand Ma and told her story.They went to the kitchen along with her Uncle and the door was opened.The kitchen table which was quite large and heavy she said had been dragged from one side of the room to the other.Something had been caught in a trap.It had gotten it's self wrapped around the leg of the kitchen table.

It was a rat.A large rat the size of a cat or small dog.Down here in the South they are called Wolff rats.She was told that the family pet,a small dog had made the mistake of chasing one of the big rats and was attacked by a group of them and to put it mildly was eaten by them.

So that was my friend's story she told me.After a few moments of thinking it over I came to the conclusion that the rats had came out of the mountains or maybe had morphed into these hideous animals,mutant rats, because of  some type of nuclear radiation because during WW2 close by the US government did research on atomic radiation,the atomic bomb.

So the moral of the story is on some dark blustery night be careful when going to the kitchen for a midnight snack.No telling what lurks in the darkness of the night.

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