Sunday, August 26, 2012

Human way

Whats old now new
Guess ideas are few
The tried and true
Are things we do

Afraid to break away
Scared to take a chance
Save the hard things for another day
That is the human way

Don't be a hog

Butter scotch hard candy.At one time it was one of my favorites.I remember laying in the alley behind the house one cool fall evening eating butter scotch candy from a bag.Like every thing I did as a kid it was over done.My fault no else to blame.About 8 years old and not to smart I ate the whole bag.It was a Thursday evening and I remember thinking it was the the night one of my favorite TV shows came on.Whirlybirds.I barely made it back to the house.Talk about sick I was.I had OD'ED on butter scotch hard candy.Till this day if I see,smell or even think of that candy I feel queasy.Just writing this makes me well sick.The moral of this story is don't be a hog and share your butter scotch hard candy.

Red cup

Red cup in the road
Car comes by it's blown
From a car it was thrown
Red cup now gone