Saturday, December 15, 2012

Careful what you call me

Careful what you call me.You could be one also.Momma always said some people have to cut you down to make themself look bigger.

Words are so cheap.Take the word redneck.The word has many orgins.From the hills of West Virgina where striking miners wore red bandannas around their neck to moonshiners in Pennsylvania wearing red bandannas to protest the Government's infringement on their rights.Down in Dixie where hard working farmers out in the blazing hot sun growing food for their families.

Redneck.I have been called one.Not for all those things mentioned above but because of the way I talk,act,dress.Now it's a word you use for anyone you don't like and look down on.Someone who you think is not as good and moral as you think you are.

So the moral of this story is judge not least ye be judged.

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