Monday, November 22, 2010

47 years ago today

47 years ago where was you?On this date back in 63 it was a Friday,cold and rainy.I remember where I was.It was about 2pm and the school principal Mr Hempfhill came on the speaker system and said this.President Kennedy had been shot and was dead.I was 11 years old at the time.I watched TV all that weekend.I was watching when Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby.I watched the funeral for President Kennedy on TV.I seem to remember that it was declared an national day of mourning.Schools where closed and my folks didn't have to work.Maybe it was for Thanksgiving but we where home.Things where starting to Change for America.


My best friend Jim.Jim was my best friend.Jim was a Squirrel monkey.I traded a guy I worked with a set of weights for Jim.Seems his wife was terrified of Jim.He had a cage but when me and him where alone I just let him run free.I walked into the kitchen and there he was,his little hands in the flour patting it all over his face.His little hands where like human hands.He would sit on my lap and pat my face.Gosh he was like a little kid and I loved him so.My folks said that Jim would start whistling before I got home each day like he knew I was coming.Often I wonder if he had ESP.Jim died in my arms at the vets.I was 18 but I cried like a baby for Jim.For several days after he died I could hear Jim at night whistling for me.

Living in the past

Living in the past.Guess I do.People keep telling me that.I don't see anything wrong with it.Least I know how it will all end because it is the past and I lived it before.Not like the future where noting is certain and full of doubt.