Friday, January 3, 2014

Monkey see monkey do

I was watching TV yesterday and a commercial for tacos came on.

These yuppie tree climber broccoli eating types riding their bicycles were rushing to this taco stand for what they exclaimed was the best thing since sunlight on a dreary dark day.

Turkey tacos.

Yes my fellow fat boys they done gone and ruined a good thing.Turkey in tacos of all things.

Now all the sheep of the world will follow suit and no more beef in tacos will be allowed.

Folks that was a commercial and those people were being paid to say those things about turkey in tacos and it was the people that raise turkeys paying for all that propaganda.

It's not true that turkey tacos are refreshing and healthy they are trying to fool you my friend.

Think for yourself free thinkers of the world think.

Don't be monkey see monkey do.