Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gets into your blood

Just give me an old Heathkit HW 16 and a shiny copper 80 meter dipole .Thrown in a Brown Brothers straight key.A handful of crystals.Give me a rainy cold winters night and I could have some fun.

I built one of these radio in the 1970's.Drove to the Heathkit store in Sandy Springs Ga. one Saturday and got the last one they had in stock.

I was in a rush and built the radio in one night.A week project the manual said.Needless to say a few problems where had.Mostly cold solder joints.

My amateur radio call sign is WA4PFG.Since 1976 that was who I was known as on the radio.This was the days before personal computers and cell phones.Back in the dark ages.

Many a Friday night I would rush home from work to play on the radio.Using that dit dah morse code talking with people around the globe was easy.

I don't ham very much these days but like the old saying it gets into your blood.Once a ham always a ham.Long as I don't forget to renew my license every 10 years guess always I will be one.

Giving up their ghost

The trees are giving up their ghost.Leaves almost gone.Things they once hid are now in plain view.From the big window I can see houses across the street.

I keep watching for deer in the woods but so far none have been seen.Hawks and crows are plentiful.Thank goodness for the green pines.Swaying in the wind like giant hands waving at me.

I think the leaves off the trees giving up things they once hid is like our lives.Things we try to hide are always brought into full view sooner or later.