Saturday, December 17, 2011


What can I write about today?Something that is important.Something that will help mankind.Something that will feed the hungry,clothed the naked,heal the sick.Something that will bring joy and peace to this fast spinning rock in space we call Earth.Something that will give hope to those who feel hopeless.Something that will for a brief moment will make you laugh forgetting all your woes.Something that will give you peace in your life.Something that will make us all hug each other loving sincerely.At the moment I have no answer but will give this idea much thought.It will be something to do.

3rd Sunday in May

115This photo from the 1960’s was taken at Uncle Bill’s after Memorial Day at Bethel East Baptist church in Randolph County Alabama. It’s called 3rd Sunday in May by some. Grandma Smith is the tall woman in the center. From left to right are the oldest to youngest of her kids.Walter,Bill,Arnold,Joe,Lema,Pauline,Ada(my Momma)Eugene and Bobby.There were 13 kids in all,twin boys died at birth,Flora Bell died at 5 and Lois died at 18.Grandpa Smith was the preacher at the old Bethel East church.Momma said they went to church in a wagon.They put her behind the pulpit as Grandpa preached giving her a sack of biscuits to keep her quite.She was only 5 when Grandpa died.Bill was the preacher later on at the new Bethel East.The church has a cemetery where most of Momma’s people are buried.Grandma never remarried after Grandpa died raising the kids herself.

Sally Lugene Brewster Haynes

A young Sally Lugene Brewster Haynes on the right.My Grandma.Who the other Lady is I have no idea.I know nothing of the Brewster side of my family.I hope I’m telling the story correct here,once Daddy,Momma and me went somewhere in Alabama to visit some of Daddy’s kin.A ferry was used to cross the river.It was like a raft that held one vehicle at a time pulled across the river by ropes or cables.What the people there where named I cant remember but it was Daddy’s uncle we visted.His name was Tom.Spending the night the hoot owls terrified me.Talk about country this was it.They all carried guns even the ladies had pistol and holster on when they were out side.Being a small boy this fascinated 105me.This is amazing to me but when I was 14 Daddy and me went to a family member’s funeral up in the same part of Alabama.It was Grandma’s Stepdad.I had never heard of him before that day.Daddy called him Grandpa Dunn and he lived to be a 100.Some older Lady at the funeral walked up to Daddy saying she had not seen him since he was a baby but recognized him.You were always the handsomest thing she told him and with a glare looked at me and said you don’t look anything like him.Maybe it was because all the Haynes’s had dark skin and hair with brown eyes.Story is that Grandma was Cherokee Indian,this I cant prove but it’s the story.I guess with my blue eyes light completion and hair I did stick out amongst them.Grandma always lived with us.Grandpa Haynes died when I was 3 years old.I was 10 when Grandma Haynes died.


April of 2011 I moved from my home of 33 years in LaGrange, Georgia to a bordering state.

The grass had grown at the old home place. Neighbors complained to LaGrange city code enforcement .

I got a call from an officer named Rick explaining the problem. I told him it would be taken care of and it was.Another phone call and another. They were finding all sorts of problems.

 Officer Rick said his boss was pushing the matter.He said a warrant for my arrest was possible but I was out of state and his jurisdiction.

I had visions of the LPD,TSO,GSP,GBI,FBI,DEA,DOD,CIA and all of those other 3 letter agencies hiding behind the Welcome to Georgia sign just waiting for my arrival back to my home state.Black unmarked helicopters in the sky hovering above the stateline,swat teams camouflaged in the bushes, satellites beaming back
info on my where abouts,the Coast Guard out in force in case I tried to enter Georgia by boat down the river.

It took me 59 years to become a desperado, 59 years of obeying the law,being a good citizen and tax payer.

 Then the dreaded C word was brought up.COMDEEMING.

By this time I was worried.

Of all the things going on in my life this was something not needed.I was thinking of selling the house.But right now I could not afford the repairs needed.So thinking it over I did this.Calling my uncle I asked if he would be interested in the house.I wasn’t going to sell him the house but give it to him.He agreed. So I handed over the deed to my uncle and he started having work done to the house at once.

Everyone was now happy, neighbors and most important the city of LaGrange.My uncle was getting offers to buy the house and people wanting to rent it.

Then Officer Rick’s boss stopped by and did everything but cuss my uncle out telling him how hard he was going to make things for him.Even Officer Rick was shocked and said his boss was out of line.

Work continued and now get this!

After a day of painting my uncle arrived at the house and found the electrical service from the pole to the house had been cut.

Calling the city he was told that this was the first step in condemning a house.Shocked he started making phone calls.He was getting the run around.Then he talked to some lady with the city and she explained it was a mistake,seems they had got the address mixed up! The city would be right out to reconnect the electrical wires she said.

Now are you sitting down!

 A sign placed by the city of LaGrange, a large sign, saying that they where taking action to condemn the house was placed in the front yard.

Another call to the city of LaGrange.

Guess what ?

No one knew anything about it! My uncle and I received summons to appear in court. The offers he had gotten to buy the house disappeared. So he did the best thing he took an offer from a guy to buy the house just to cover his cost outlay. So that ended the fiasco on ……. Street.

 It was gone from our lives.

 Now get this.

 I was talking to my uncle recently. Seems my aunt who has a house she doesn’t live in had a visitor.Her grandson was cutting the grass and noticed the front door open.Guess who had invited his self in?It was our old friend from the city of LaGrange, Officer Rick’s boss.

 He wanted permission to enter the house! Why ask he was already in the house.

So this ex resident of LaGrange,Georgia is thinking that maybe,just maybe things with the city of LaGrange are not like they should be.I was born in the old City County Hospital.My parents are buried at Shadowlawn Cemetery.Most of my family still live in LaGrange.No matter where I live LaGrange will be home if only in my heart.I have been told you can’t fight city hall.

But I still can voice my opinion on how it’s being operated.