Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's just a machine.

This is sad.I thought the computer had messed up good.It hung up and would not do anything.So I used the big power button and turned it off.Well to put it mildly it was a pain getting it started again.Fear spread quickly through me.Dang no puter.How will I entertain myself?That is the sad part.I am to dependent on this machine.Bet you are also right?

What I am searching for

People have dreams.Dreams of things they want in this life.Some want fame and fortune,money,big houses and fancy cars.Some dream of love and happiness.World peace and the end of hunger for the righteous ones of us.Me my dream is simple.See that log cabin picture?That is what I want.High up on a mountain surrounded with trees.Overlooking a valley down below.A little one room cabin with a fireplace.A place of peace and satisfaction yes a satisfied mind.That is my dream and what I am searching for.