Thursday, May 16, 2013

Should be a law

There should be a law against it..Evening TV and those ads for all that good great wonderful fast food.

Hamburgers,pizza,chicken strips,fries it just pure torture.

And Hardee's is the worse.Those hamburgers and biscuits they advertise make my mouth water.

LaGrange did have a Hardees.But like all good things they left and the closest one is up in Franklin,Georgia.

Tell you what.Swap 2 McDonalds and 1 Burger King for just 1 of those Hardees stores.

Nothing but a good time

I had one of these bikes.My last bike.Schwinn 2 speed kick back ,coppertone color,chrome fenders.

A cool bike and very fast.The Cadillac of bikes they where called.

Me and Daddy went to the hardware store and I picked it out and the bike was put on lay away till Christmas.

It looked so cool and inviting sitting under that aluminum Christmas tree with the rotating colored wheel at the house.I wasn't allowed to take it out till Christmas Eve.I did manage a few sneaked rides in the hall of that old house at East Newnan.

For some reason and I don't know why 10 speed what we called English Racers where not popular.

Every kid had a bike and in the summer time from the time you got up till your Momma said come home you where on your bike.

Balloons tied to the spokes gave your bike the sound of a race car or motorcycle.Smoke bombs strapped to the rear fender made for realistic burnouts.

Back at East Newnan the school baseball field turned into a dirt bike race track in the summers months.So much fun pretending your bike was a race car.How we survived those days it's a wonder.

The day I got my driving learners permit at 15 my bike was never rode again.Fact is I gave it away.Minus the pretty chrome fenders which had been ripped off in all those bike wrecks and races.If my memory serves me right it had been spray painted a shiny black color.

A kid in the 1960's.Nothing but a good time.

This means something

What this means I don't know.

Seems fried chicken,biscuits,mashed potatoes and gravy was what I dreamed of all night.

Like that guy in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind said when making a mountain out of his mashed potatoes"This Means Something".