Sunday, July 7, 2013



I'm a recovering OCD.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Guess I've always been OCD.

Thinking back it was grade school I started with it.Questioning myself if I understood the teacher correct.

Later on as I got older I had to say the same prayer each night in the correct order.

As a teen my clothes had to be so so.Spit polished shoes clothes ironed and no lint.Lint I hated.

As a adult my house had to be perfect.A place for everything and everything in it's place.

Once maybe twice I have been called an OCD with an attitude.

The shocker being I didn't have a clue I was one.

So now I know.I'm working on it and things out of place don't bother me now.

Got to go now I see a speck of dust on my...

Bed 31 C

Bed 31 C.

Please never put me there.

I think it's jinxed.

Mr F who has only been our roommate for a month is on his way to Hospice.I think he just gave up.Only here for rehab but what went wrong who knows but only God.

I have been here for 1 year and going on 7 months.

It seems that everyone who has bed 31 C does not do well at all.

Last July our roommie Rabbit died.He just lost the will to live.Only in his early 50's.

Booker T same thing just gave up and was sent some where else and he died.

Mr I can't think of his name right now left went home and was found dead in his yard.

Then there is Lonnie who lost several toes from diabetes since he left here.

And Sydney who was placed over here for some reason but was sent back.

Michelle who works here found her Daddy who was in 31 C dead.

Yes I think there is something to this.

Bed 31 C is jinxed.

Home home in LaGrange

Home home in LaGrange
Where the Olympians trained
Home home in LaGrange
And the workers do strain

Home home in LaGrange
Where certain people run the town if you disagree
Home home in LaGrange
They run you into the ground

Home home in LaGrange
Does City Hall care at all can't fight them
Home home in LaGrange
They make you feel so small

Home home in LaGrange
If you don't live on Vernon you don't belong
Home home in LaGrange
Where most don't know whats really going on

Home home in LaGrange
Where crooks and thieves abound
Home  home in LaGrange
And that's just downtown

A memory

A memory.
61 VW bug.
Parking lot,Krystal's,Atlanta,Ga.
Maggie May playing on someone's radio.
Times good.
A very good memory.