Wednesday, November 3, 2010

They don't have grits

Dog gone did I say something about it being hot not to long ago?Well I have changed my tune folks.It is cold.Cold to me anyway.46 degrees.I am sitting here with my hoodie on,the hood over my head and I feel chilled.The family is planning to go to the big LaGrange/Troup high football game Friday night.I checked the weather forecast,no rain but high for Friday should be 58 with a low of 30.We have talked of holding off long as we can before turning on the heat but shoot I'm ready now.I am a Georgia born and raised man.Rest of them here are from Ohio and think it's funny when I get cold when the temperature drops below 60.But I think they are getting Southernized now.Every one was talking about how cold it was this morning.I have never been north of the Mason/Dixon line but would like to try it just once.Just to see a big snow.They have told me tales of it snowing so much that it covers houses and they have to worry about the roofs caving in.They tell me the temperature drops way below zero up there.And I hear that grits are hard to find up there.Ok that did it.I staying here where it's warmer and we have grits.

She likes pork n beans

I know a Lady who is on a diet.Her name shall remain unknown.Last night and a few other times lately she has skipped supper saying she wasn't hungry,no appetite.I like to eat,all you have to do is look at me and figure that out.Sometimes I wish she would eat a big meal so I won't feel so guilty.Sheesh we quit smoking to gather but please don't put me on a diet.I knew she was hungry when she went to bed last night cause all she had eaten was 2 baloney sandwiches.Well guess what,this is truth,I swear.Seems we are missing a large super duper size can of pork n beans.I have heard of sleep walking.I have heard of sleep driving.But this Lady who again I won't reveal her name to the world was seen sitting up in bed,caring on a normal conversation with people and here it goes...eating a can of pork n beans in her sleep.Yep she was sleep eating.I would pay gladly if I had a photo of that to show you.So that takes care of a problem.Her Christmas present will be easy to pick out.Just wrap a giant super duper can of pork n beans and put it under the tree.