Monday, April 15, 2013

Moral of story...

Just call me snagle tooth.When I was 8 years old living on Juniper Street I almost met my maker one afternoon.

Riding a bike the chain came off.No way to slow it down on a steep hill.A car is stopped in the road ahead of me.On my left was a barbed wired cow pasture fence.

I had to make a quick choice.Hit the car or go through that barb wire fence.I choose the car.


The bike plowed into the rear of  car.That stopped me and I ended up on the trunk against the rear window.

He's dead the teen girls inside screamed!

No I'm not answering them.

I was woozy from hitting the rear window with my head but alive.No cuts,bruises or broken bones.My only visible injury was a chipped front tooth.

The story moves on to the when I was 18.

Working and paying my own way in the world I wanted my tooth fixed.I was living off of Virgina Avenue in Hapeville,Georgia across the street from  Hartsfield International airport.I could lay in bed at night and watch 747's and other jets land and take off.Talk about noisy but you get use to it and soon don't even notice the noise.All this is a story for another time.

Back to my tooth story.

This part will be the fast version.Long story short I had a root canal done and an implanted front tooth was installed.

Story moves ahead 30 plus years.

New Years Eve.I was at the Krystal.Bag of burgers and fries and corn dogs.Even before getting out of the parking lot I was chopping down on those corn dogs.

I seen stars and felt pain.I had bit down on a corn dog stick and it loosing up my front implanted tooth.It was wiggling around.Oh man I was disappointed.

Few weeks late eating a ham and cheese sandwich it fell out.

Moving on with the story.

It was still wearable.But when eating I just took it out.I really only wore it when I dressed up which wasn't very often.

I invited a Lady over for supper one night and you guessed it the tooth fell out.She was so sweet saying it was ok she had one like it also.It is hard to kiss when your front tooth is wiggling around!

Fast forward again.

I kept my tooth in a little plastic container.My roommates at the time had a dog.A dog that would chew up anything.

You guessed it!

The dog ate my front tooth.My $1000 implanted front tooth!

So my friends that is why when I smile I look like a hockey player.

Moral of story.Don't ride bikes,eat corn dogs or ham and cheese sandwiches or have roommates with dogs that eat teeth!


April 15th.
Taxes due.
Titanic sinks.

Preacher and little boy

Preacher:Who was the first man on Earth?
Little boy:Hoss.
Preacher:Wrong try again.
Little boy:Little Joe.
Little boy:Who then?
Little boy:I knew it was one of those Cartwright boys.

Cool car

Cool car.50 Ford.Back when you could tell one car from another.

Sometimes I think progress is not so great.Today all cars look alike to me.

Maybe somethings should just be left alone.

Just wondering

These places where you dine by candlelight are they hiding something?