Sunday, October 6, 2013

The death of free speech in America

The death of free speech in America.

It has got silly folks.

A school or schools in Connecticut have banned students from doing the Geico camel hump day thing.

It irritates the teachers.

Ok you little school hoodlums bad to the bone boys and girls Uncle John gonna do you a favor.

Got old quick

Clouds from South moving in.Wind picking up a bit.What's left of that tropical weather out in the Gulf of Mexico moving this way.

Rain tonight.

Back in 95 ,October things where different.

Hurricane Opal came up I 85 and visited LaGrange.

No power for 7 days and that got old quick.

Look the same

Yesterday was a beautiful fall day.

I noticed people out on their motorcycles zipping up down the road.

People out in their old classic cars.

Blast from the past.

Those old cars brought back memories but they sure looked strange compared to these new fangled automobiles.

The old cars had class,they where pretty and most important in the old days you could tell what year brand and model they where.

Now all the new cars look alike to me.

Anything is possible

Heard a siren yesterday,ambulance pulling into the old folks home,nothing unusual about that but this time it was different.

Looking out my window I seen a fire truck,they only come out when someone is bad off beside the fire station is only a few blocks away up the road,lights also on.

Now what's different about all this is a police car,lights on and a detective car also came.

My curiosity running now what is going on.

Ambulance leaves with lights and siren on which is  always a bad sign.

Fire truck/rescue leave also.

Cops still hanging around.

Something on the North side has happened rumor is.

It was right at lunch time which for some reason I've noticed the ambulance seems to always show up at eating times.

Did someone flip out because they got cooked carrots and broccoli again?

Maybe a jealous lover involved in a nursing home relationship catches significant other with someone else? It could happened you know.

Maybe someone just got fed  up with it all and like in that movie said"I'M MAD AS HELL AND NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE".

The real reason of the commotion I never heard.None of my bizz.I don't pry.

Just another day in the lives of the old,aged,sick and demented.

Around here anything is possible.

Sums it up for me

My pioneer spirit


Thank you Jesus the power just came back on here at the old folks home.

It was only 30 minutes maybe without it but it sure was missed by me.

Where is my pioneer spirit I wonder? I've grown accustomed to these modern convinces.


Amen to that.