Thursday, June 13, 2013

Big hug for you

Are you have you ever been a caregiver?

If so here is a big hug for you.

I know from being a caregiver for my Mom who had Alzheimer's what your life is all about.

At times when it seems like family has abandoned you and those days when you have gone without sleep I know banging your head against a wall seems like a good idea just remember God is looking down on you giving extra strength to do what you have to do.

Someone said once just hang in there.Do that it will be worth it someday.No guilt of abandonment of your loved one.The knowledge that you did something.You tried.You didn't take the easy way out.

You did good !

Seen a life saved last night.

One of my roomies was going into a diabetic coma when his sugar dropped to low.

Nurse Vickie took care of the situation.

You did good !