Thursday, October 30, 2014

Doing it the old fashioned way

Doing it the old fashion way.

A blast from the past.

Before days of high tech gizmos like PC's,tablets,cable and satellite TV days before round the clock news,movie and music there was a thing called radio.

I just pulled my little dilly of a radio out plugged in headphones and like a trip in a time machine there I was in the golden olden days.

Down on the AM band where I spent so much of my youthful nights being amazed by music all the way from a station in Chicago playing that rock n roll at night.

In between all that static and signals fading I heard Cassius Clay in those boxing matches,baseball games from my favorite team the Atlanta Crackers yes way before the Atlanta Braves came to town.On Sunday when Nascar was to redneck of a sport to show on TV it was always on the radio.

Talk shows were my favorite.At work I would listen to Jim White at KMOX in St Louis,Lester Rolof the preacher asking for money to save the souls of those heathen Indians as he called them telling women they were going to Hell if they cooked out of a can and were I first heard of a man named Jimmy Swaggert.

Since I was a little boy radio fascinated me so much that in 1976 after studying and learning Morse code and all that techno jumbo I took my amateur(ham)radio test at the FCC field office in Atlanta before Angelo Ditty the field engineer and received my ham radio call of WA4PFG which I still hold.

I cant wait till tonight so again with my little radio I  can pull stations from far away places out of the static and fading.

Maybe I can find me an all night talk show to keep me company.

I see a haint

I hear a bugger
I see a haint
I'm so skeered
I'm gonna faint

Ghost and goblins
Running all around
All sorts of scary things
I even seen a zombie rising from the ground

Little scary creatures
Going door to door
Saying trick o treat
Nothing but a night of gore

Help us all
Protect us from evil
It's so scary
I seen a kid dressed as Theodore Cleaver

Don't stop me

Walking out of my boots.

Several times I have woke up and my protective boots would be off.They are soft padded boots that help prevent getting blisters or rubbed spots on my feet.Being a diabetic and having feet problems can lead to bad things.

Several of the residents here have lost toes,feet and one has had both his legs amputated.

How the boots get off who knows.They have Velcro straps and I can't reach them so it's not me unstrapping and taking those boots off.

So this leaves only one answer.

I'm walking out of my boots.Maybe it's sleep walking and I just don't remember it.Maybe it's a mind over body thing.Maybe who knows what it is.

All my life people have seen me at places I ain't been doing things I ain't done.Always I laughed it off as people being mistaken.

Since being here at the old folks home people have seen me walking around the place.Someone even asked if I had a twin brother since they seen me walking out the front door once.

Really I have no idea what is going on.

So if you see me out about and I'm walking don't stop me just let me enjoy it.