Wednesday, June 18, 2014

That time of the year

God's right hand man and the Devil himself.

Watching these political ads on the boob tube that is the idea I feel they are trying to hoodukle voters into believing.

I good him bad.

Admit it,the only time you hear from politicians is vote for me election time and send me some spend doodle so I can continue my great work.

Then like bears they hibernate for 2 to 4 years doing whatever politicians do then like clock work or like those sparrows flying back from that place in Mexico they pop up and toot their own horn about how they saved us from starvation,global warming,taxes on internet purchases and a small invasion from those nasty bad boy reptilian aliens.

Go ahead believe them.

If you do just a reminder,I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale real cheap and if you're interested I still have some Atlantic Ocean beach front lots that I will make a good deal on way out in Phoenix,Arizona. 

Wacky today

Friday the 13th and a full moon didn't have much of an effect around the old folks home.

Must have been a delayed action.

It's wacky today.

But you have to remember we are old and slow and a few days behind rest of the world.

In the house

Someone had a picture on Facebook of a rattlesnake that had met extreme justice from their hands.They killed the critter.

And I  dreamed of rattlesnakes in the house all night.

One of theses blue ones called a timber rattler.

I don't like snakes.Dead or alive.

Think this is so cool

I find it amazing.

A poor mill village child like me raised up in the shadows of those coal burning smokestacks and the ever present hum of twisters,winders and looms inside the mill has something that will last till the end of times.

This blog.

Just think a hundred years from now folks might find it on whatever will replace the internet and wonder who was this guy JohnLee and what was his problem.

I think this is so cool.