Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Buying Momma a gun

Buying Momma a gun.Years ago my Daddy was working nights.Momma was alone in the house.There had been a rash of break ins on Ladies who where living alone in our neighborhood.

I had this grand plan.A guy I worked with had a beer joint he and his friend ran after work.He told me about a man who would come around to the beer joint every so often selling guns from the trunk of his car.My friend brought a Raven 25 cal automatic to work and I bought it for Momma.I sure wasn't thinking at all on this deal.

I had no idea if this gun was stolen or been used in some type of crime.Plus my friend did not have the greatest of reputation his self having served some time in the big house for shooting a man.Plus I think my friend overcharged for the little pistola.

I got to thinking.Sometimes Momma fussed on Daddy for the little things he sometimes did.Things like staying out all night drinking.Plus Daddy liked to gamble every blue moon or so.She could raise Cain if she wanted.What if Momma got so mad at Daddy she would shoot him with the little gun I bought her.It would be my fault and I most likely could not stand the guilt of that.

This is what I did.The gun was given to her but the bullets I kept.A smart plan I thought.

Believe me

Thanksgiving and chicken pox.November 1965 a Wednesday I think it happened.Last day of school till Thanksgiving holiday and I was at a girls basketball game at Moreland,Georgia.We all rode the school bus to the game that night.

During the game they announced that Lester Maddox had been elected Governor of Georgia.I don't really remember much about the basketball game it was just fun being out at night with my classmates away from the watchful eyes of our parents.

Who knows who won probably not East Newnan Elementary because we lost at everything it seemed.Basketball which there was only a girls team and baseball which most of the older boys played on.We where a poor county school and we didn't even have baseball uniforms not even hats but we played the other schools that did.I heard years later that they did win a game of baseball.

There was only one guy in our Boy Scout troop that had a uniform.If I remember right we where not your regular type of scouts.It did get rowdy at times.

Out of school for 2 weeks back then for Holidays.Week before Thanksgiving a Sunday I was not feeling all that great.I stayed in bed under an electric blanket all day.Waking up I remember shocking Momma.I was  broke out with chicken pox.

Of all the bad timing sick when out of school.Back at school I was teased because another classmate had also caught the chicken pox.Since we two where the only ones who had it everyone even the teacher Mr.Camp teased me and that little pretty girl saying it must have been no consequence.

Honest it was.Just one of those things that happens in life.Believe me.