Friday, January 11, 2013

Suicidal Girl Makes an Unforgettable Video Everyone Should See - TheGodVine

The staff

The staff.God bless each and everyone of you.You are now my extended family and I love you each and everyone is my Brother and Sister.

I have met some of the most wonderful caring people ever right here at TFH.Those long hours and that stress you are under all I can say you are loved and appreciated.Honestly I have never found a problem with any of the staff here.

Without you where would we be.

To be continued...

Let it all hangout

Once there was a song,LET IT ALL HANG OUT,that's what I'm going to do in the next few post.All is true maybe not comfortable but true.

People at TFH are here for a variety of reasons I guess.We are called residents not patients for starts.TFH is called I found out by looking it up on the Internet a retirement home and assisted living home.

Some residents are here because they have no place else to go.Maybe I fit in that category.Others are here because their families can't give them the care needed.Some I figure are here because their families can't or don't want to deal with it.

Some forgive me are what I call throw aways.No hope,no place else for them.

It hurts watching elderly people homesick for their family that never come around.I'm blessed in a way because I have really no family,2 elderly aunts and cousins and no visit are no problem for me.But thank you when you do.Guess I got what I always knew would happen,alone by myself and I'm ok with it.

More to come.

A long night it was

Snuff please mam...snuff please mam that was what the elderly lady repeated over and over.If she got the snuff I don't know.

Things you hear around here.Some make you laugh and others break your heart.There is Ms.S who suffers from dementia and almost every night causes a ruckus wanting to fight or just drive the nurses and cna's wacky. A shot usually calms her down.

Then there are the zombies,forgive me for calling them that but that is what they remind me of.They constantly walk the floor with that blank look on their face.

Saturday January 12th marks my 1 year anniversary of being here.It was on a Wednesday afternoon about 5 pm I was transported from the hospital by ambulance to TFH a day that matched the way I was feeling.A gloomy gray cloudy day that look liked it would snow at any moment.

Wheeled into the building on a gurney down to room 31.My spirits peaked a bit when I seen my bed was next to a big window which faces a busy highway and across the street I could see trees.

After being evaluated by an nurse and cna I had supper which was chicken pot pie ,broccoli and a roll.I settled in for the night and a long night it was.

More to follow.