Sunday, December 22, 2013

Learn to use a broom

Hungry kid?

Want something to eat at school?

Can't pay for your school meal you say?

Here is a broom sweep the floors for that free meal.

That's what a Georgia Republican congressman wants those po youngins to do.

Shame shame shame.

Why are you Republicans dead set on hurting the people who can least afford it?

Grandma,Grandpa scare them by saying they are going to lose their Social Security that they worked for,the kid down the street who is hungry cut those food stamps,your neighbor who is disabled deny their disability,veterans who you lie to about how they will be took care of for the sacrifice they made for this great country. Yeah those are the folks you pick on.To you they don't matter.

Let's give taxpayer money away to those countries that could care less about us or bail General Motors and Chrysler's out along with big banks.Those are the people you Mr and Ms politician work for.

So Mr and Ms politician here's your broom if voters have any sense you will be needing it on your next job.

I'm not mad just ashamed.