Sunday, December 1, 2013


24 more days of this.

O woes

O woes is me
Lunch was a bust
Know should be thankful
But burger fries I lust

Chicken something with gravy
Dressing on side
Hard as I tried
That broccoli couldn't hide

A Big Bufford from Checkers
Onion rings
My mouth waters
Thinking of them things

Make it I will
Worry me not
Make it to supper
Pintos me will fill

I was

I was Duck Commander before Duck Commander was cool.

They called us hippies

Call me

Call me redneck
White trash
Know what am
Not trying fool your a..

Like me or not
Do as please
Speaking the truth
Following my roots

Some things done
Plenty I ain't
Judge me
No you can't

Not putting on show
Real as can be
This I know
Going be me

Why Ben is disgusted

For my Christmas day dinner I'm thinking BBQ ribs,baked beans,crinkle cut fries and a Dr Pepper.

Enough already of turkey.

America would have been better off if people had listened to Ben Franklin.

He wanted to name the turkey as our national symbol instead of the eagle.

Ben was tired I bet of eating turkey also so by naming the turkey as our symbol it would be protected like the eagle is today.

If his plan had worked there would be no turkey sausage,bacon,this and that made from turkey.

Yes Ben was a smart man,ahead of his time,I can see it now,the humble turkey as our symbol of peace,honor and bravery.

And I  could get real pork sausage with my biscuit instead of that turkey.

After much study and investigation I've discovered why Ben is frowning and has that look of disgust on his face...he just had a turkey Whopper from BK!

Texas Walker Jr

Auburn Alabama game...several of us old guys sitting around watching...getting exciting now...great football game...few minutes to happened...never fails...Texas Walker Jr...commander of TV remote...starts his afternoon channel surfing...dang!