Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fly by

Now I don't want to scare you but have you heard?On February 15th a big space rock, asteroid,is making a fly by of planet Earth.

Won't hit us the experts say.Just another close call it seems.Sure have been a lot of these close call fly bys lately.

There is a theory that the dinosaurs where wiped out many moons ago by one of these big space rocks hitting Earth.

Hope the experts are right.But you know I have this theory on things.

Don't be afraid of what they tell you.Be very scared of the things they don't tell.

It arrived

Well Dear friends I have news.Good news.Yes the skies have opened up and blessings have been bestowed on yours truly.

Never in my long life have I been so blessed with the opportunity of maybe a life time.

It happened last night friend.I got it.Yes it arrived.I won't keep you in suspense any longer Dear ones.It was that email.The email of all emails.I had to hunt for it because mysteriously it had ended up in my spam/junk mail folder.But after careful searching it was found.

Are you sitting down friends?If not please do.Here goes.Ready?

I won a free pizza,1 large 1 topping of my choice from Papa Johns.Yes seems me and another million folks choose heads in the super bowl coin toss and have been rewarded with a free pizza.

There is only one thing better than pizza.Free pizza!

Pulling the trigger

The talk has been going around for years.Every time there is a shooting incident people jump on the band wagon wanting to ban guns.There is always somebody who blames the gun makers.People got to realize it's the crazy person pulling the trigger that is killing people.

What if every time a drunk person gets in a car and kills someone in a wreck Ford,GM etc where blamed for the deaths.No one wants cars banned do they?

Guns like cars are tools.Person using them are the problem not the tools.