Sunday, May 5, 2013

Started something

1964 so I was 12 maybe 13.Ed Sullivan show.Sunday night.Everyone had heard of the Beatles but this was a first look at them.

The next day at school that was all we could talk about.

You seen half way wannabe Beatle hair cuts.

One guy we thought had one that day after.Nope he said it was a Mr. Spock hairdo.He loved Star Trek.

The Beatles.

They had started something.

Like that idea...

Sunny day bit cool.Perfect day for burgers and dogs on a charcoal grill.

Homemade baked beans some Ruffles have ridges potato chips and cold CoColas from a icy glass bottle.

Doesn't this sound great.

Just something about food cooked on a charcoal grill.That smell,that taste can't be duplicated with those fancy gas grills.Shoot if ya gonna cook with gas just stay inside and use your stove.

Let's go all the way while we dreaming.How about some homemade churned,delicious better than that store bought stuff they call ice cream.Vanilla add some chocolate syrup,peaches or strawberries wow I'm drooling now.That would be so good now be honest you like that idea also right?

Lewis Grizzard

Lewis Grizzard.Great American.

Born and raised up Highway 29 in Moreland,Georgia about 20 miles from here.Southern Gentleman,Son of the South.Newspaper writer,humorist and a man who loved Catfish his dog.

Momma loved his books.I did also.Daily his columns appeared in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Lewis died a few years ago on the operating table having a heart procedure done.He still lives through his books.On YouTube his concerts are available.

I can't leave without telling one of his stories.

Listening to his little step kids talking in the bathroom one day he overheard them say.Little girl 5 asked her brother 4 if he knew any dirty words.I know one the little boy said.Little girl said she also knew one.What is your word the little girl asked?Her brother spoke up and said ass!What is your word he asked his sister?I know damm she answered!

The little girl told her little brother that they should use those words at the breakfast table and see what their Momma would say.

Lewis said he could have stopped it right there but he was intrigued.

At the morning breakfast table the children's Momma ask the little girl what she wanted for breakfast sweetie?

The little girl answered"Momma I think I will have some of those damm Cheerios"

Well Momma back handed that little girl knocking her out of her chair sending her sliding across the room banging her head against a large flower pot.

Lewis said he was shocked and in awe at what had just happened!

Now the Momma turning to her little son asked him sternly"just what do you want for breakfast son"?

The little boy thought for a few seconds and said"you can bet your sweet ass Momma I don't want any of those damm Cheerios".