Saturday, November 27, 2010

I am sorry

The Christmas I was 12.I got the gift wanted.My very own Stevens 20 gauge shotgun.Me and Daddy picked it out at a hardware store downtown LaGrange on Bull Street.First time I shot it oh boy did it kick.I had a box of shells Me,Daddy and my Uncle Leon went to a creek and we each took turns shooting it.It was in Macon,Ga where we spent just about every Christmas with Aunt Gladys and Leon.Like every 12 year old I just had to go hunting.So I did.By myself.It was rainy,snowy and cold that day.I went into the woods behind the house.Now to the part I'm not so proud of.No squirrels where seen,so I had to kill something with my shotgun.A poor,helpless not bothering anybody or anything little bird in a tree became my victim.Little bird I have often thought of that day.Please forgive me.

Tis the season...almost

The Christmas season has started.Oh boy.Let me say from the start it is way over done I think.The real reason for the season has long been forgotten.Now it just a commercialized thing.See what they can sell ya.I know,before you call me a heathen or Ebenezer Scrooge, presents,gifts and I want this or I want that is not what it's about.Maybe you still have to have that childlike innocence to really enjoy Christmas.Yep It is Christmas soon.Enjoy and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Live with it

Ok I might be a little sensitive.Maybe a little insecure.What I am talking about is people who are what is the word I am looking for.Those people who can't see the forest for the trees.People who pea perfume or think they do..People who never think they are wrong.People who think the world revolves around them.Mr or Ms number 1.People who would be shocked to put it mildly if they knew how I really felt about them.Oh well to each his own and like Daddy said if they can live with it I can live without it.

Number 200

This is it folks.Number 200.Post number 200.Wow that is a lot then again thinking back it's not that much.Granted all my little stories are short snippets of my life.It is hard when you think about it to write down these things.Heck people might not even read them but it's my life interesting or just plain boring that is the way it is.I have found out one thing.I like doing this.It is fun.So as long it stays fun I guess if able it will continue.Thanks if you are taking time to read these little stories.It is much appreciated.

Put it in super Daddy

The car was old and no air conditioning.But back then no one really minded.AC was not common like it is now.It was unheard of in houses only places like movie houses had it and they advertised it .The car did have one added feature not found on many.I would lay in the back seat of Daddy's old car.On long trips I would carry a bucket of rocks with me.The floorboard in back was rusted out and from my seat I would drop rocks from the car.Daddy liked big cars.Pontiacs,Buicks cars like that.He had a couple of Oldsmobiles wow those where cars.I remember the 54 Olds Super 88.Two tone color,black and white and a 4 door.Daddy would be passing someone on a 2 lane highway and I would say put it in super Daddy.Super was the passing gear.Them old cars had style and seem so nice today compared to all the cars on the road now.At one time you could tell what make and model a car was.Not today they all look the same.

Sneaking into Church

Sneaking into Church after midnight.Did that once.We Boy Scouts where camping out behind East Newnan Elementary school.It was December and snowing and there was sleet.Tents where leaking and boy talk about cold.This is what we did.There was one large military surplus tent.But it was at the church basement where we had our meetings.It was a Friday and that very day there had been a funeral at the church.How do I know? Well the Church was across the street from the School.I had watched the funeral from my class room.Anyway the large tent that we decided was our best choice because the other 2 or 3 man tents where leaking.Yep it was at the Church.It was cold,dark and snowing.A few volunteers where need to make the long hike to the Church and retrieved the tent.I was always not to smart and volunteered.So a few of us Boy Scouts went,by the way we where poor kids and only 1 guy in our troop had an uniform.Getting to the church late that night our only way of getting in was to open a window and go through the sanctuary.Yep you can guess what was on my mind.The funeral from earlier in the day.We got and quickly shagged back to the camp site.There where 20 or more us and we shared that huge tent with a wood burning stove.It was a night to remember.Camping out,the snow,sleet and the Funeral.

Mayo sandwiches

Mayo sandwiches.I really like them.Mustard sandwiches are great also.Try this little delicacy sometime.Take vanilla wafers and spread mayo on them.Yum talk about good.

My chair is demonic !

I wrote about my power chair the other day.It has been acting up.Well it has been worked on by the girls and is doing much better.There is one slight problem.My chair has a mind of it's own.The chair is demonic I think.Sometimes it will not stop when it's supposed to.It will run you down.Be careful around the chair.They have enough power to knock down doors and drive through walls.Do you remember the movie Christine?It was about an old Plymouth Belverdere that was demonic.Well now my wheelchair seems to be the same way.I was asked the other day if I had a name for my chair.No I never thought about naming it.But since it is now demonic it shall now be called Christine.