Monday, November 19, 2012


One of the best friends I ever had or could want.


Part Siberian Husky&Norwegian Elk Hound.

Sad us humans can't be as loyal,loving,caring,forgiving as these things are.

And we call them the animals.


Maybe this would help.UFO landing on the grounds of the White House.Least it would stop all this bickering about politics for awhile maybe.Maybe it would takes our minds off the budding war that seems likely in the Middle East.Maybe it would ease the fears people have of losing their homes and jobs and not being able to feed their family.Maybe take Christmas shopping and the stress it causes people away for awhile and maybe focus on the real reason for the season.Maybe an UFO landing would brings us humans back together.Maybe for awhile people would not see color of skin,accent,rich,poor nationality or religion as a way to persecute their brothers and sisters.Maybe for a short time everyone would be working for the same common cause.


Puts me to sleep

Youtube is great.I use it for listening to music watching movies etc.For the past couple of nights I have been listening to those relaxation videos people have posted.

Audio of rainfall,thunderstorms and such.There are some that are suppose to heal or improve things in your life also.Some to help you concentrate,study,focus better you get the idea.

Now there are some that are to help you sleep.Sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep because there is so much running through my brain.So for the past few nights I have been listening to one of these things.It's 10 hours of a continuous tone that doesn't change.I put on my headphones close my eyes and.......

I can't say that it puts me to sleep but you know maybe it does help.Past couple of nights I just dropped off to sleep before realizing it.