Thursday, December 22, 2011

Coming storm

LightningApril 27th 2011 I was awaken by the sound of the tornado siren blasting away.It was after 10pm.Rain,thunder and lighting.Laying here in bed I thought of England during WW2.Nightly air raids and those sirens going off.How terrifying it must have been.Reflecting on my life and thinking there is a very good chance of a tornado oddly enough I was at peace with it all.Not scared but just numb to it all.That Friday night 35 people died in Alabama.


Rattlesnakes.Sorry I don’t like them.Any snake for that matter.Dead or live doesn’t make any difference.Living in Standing Rock,Alabama as a boy of 4 years old I had an encounter with a rattler.The front yard was all sand.Walking down the tall steps of the house reaching the bottom step coiled up ready to strike was a snake,a rattler.If it frightened me I cant recall but it terrified my folks.In quick order the snake was dealt extreme prejudice.They killed it with a hoe.Maybe my fear of snakes was inherited from my parents.Momma’s sister Lema was bitten by a rattler and almost died.Once  Daddy took me hunting.We were leaning up against a tree.It was fall and the ground was covered with leaves.From a distance I seen something moving through the leaves.It was a snake,it’s tongue flickering heading straight for us.Daddy I see a snake.That’s all it took.He out ran me back to the car.And he was the one with a gun.