Sunday, December 2, 2012

No challenge was unthinkable

Shhhh! don't tell.It will be our little secret.Don't laugh ok.I have always had this dream or fantasy about space travel.When I was a kid at night turning the radio on to a static station pretending it was the roar of a rocket ship.I would drift off thinking how great it would be having my own little space craft that I could travel the know universe with.

I am a child of the space age.By this time my generation was to have flying cars like George Jetson.Launching space rockets off from Cape Canaveral was a big deal to people my age.

To this very day those old space movies of the 50's and 60's are sorta like comfort food to me.They bring pleasure and almost bring that bright eyed innocence back into my life.A time when things where possible no challenge was unthinkable.

For the life of me

Town square in my hometown of LaGrange,Georgia.The fountain has been there for long as I can remember.Years ago in the 1920's or 30's this was the sight of the courthouse that burned down.

As a kid it was a favorite sight of mine to ride by at night.Back then it had different colors of light bulbs built into the fountain and the spraying water would change color.

Back in the 1970's the city spent a reported million dollars to square the square.LaGrange College donated the statute of General Lafayette which now sits in the fountain.He was a French general who during the revolutionary war sided with the states and was rumored to have passed near LaGrange one time.This town was named after his chateau in France.

So a little more history of my hometown.But for me I sure enjoyed the colored lights in the fountain better.

For the life of me I can't remember ever stepping foot on the fountain grounds.

Rumor has it

Callaway Clock Tower in LaGrange,Georgia.I have always lived insight of this memorial most of my life.Employees of Callaway mills donated money for this in honor of the man who started Callaway mills.I have heard that the donations where taken out of employees checks whether they wanted to donate or not.

The tower has a clock on each side.For years they were not running but last time I noticed they were keeping time.The tower is located on the highest point I think in the city limits of LaGrange on a large sloping hill.The view from the top of the hill is beautiful,least to me.

On those rare winter days when it snowed the hill was a place where people slid down the slopes on pasteboard boxes.I even partaked in that a few times.

Rumor has it that on Halloween night witches gather in the tall bushes that surround the tower.Might be so I don't know but the police took it serious and at one time years ago where investigating.

So just another little snippet of LaGrange,Georgia where I call home.