Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lot of Smiths

Momma was a Smith.She told me this joke.A salesman traveling through the countryside noted that every one he met was a Smith.Later that day he found out why.He seen a sign.It read Smith Manufacturing.

I will ponder

I shall ponder this today.Women.Lately I am having a hard time understanding them.Has my beard grown gray,long and shaggy and is reflecting what they say from my brain?I swear they talk in a language that is native to me but in general what is said is a mystery.Oh well ponder I will.

Gun goes bang

Well this computer is getting worse.If I go for awhile you will know the reason.If it was a horse I would shoot it.Yeah that is a good idea.Get my trusty 20 gauge that I got at 12 years old and blow this thing to smitherns.That would be fun plus the old gun goes bang real loud.It does kick.Ok that is the deal from here.So Happy Holidays to all if I don't get back to you.