Saturday, June 22, 2013

Interesting facts about my birthday

June 24th 1952 on a  Tuesday I John Lee Haynes made my entrance into this world.

1514 Vernon Road LaGrange ,Georgia.City County Hospital.

The temperature 10 days later on July 4th would reach a record high of 104 degrees.

On your Way to Your Birthday on 24.June.1952:

You were born on Tuesday on 24.June.1952 and you think this is your oldest day of your life history but you are sadly wrong. Let's surprise you:

19.August.1951, Sunday, (Your birthday -310 days):

On 19.August.1951, Sunday, your father has produced the semen that will be half of you soon.

He produced 1000 sperms every second of his life and you will be be lucky one out of 500 million sperm he sent on their way in the conceivement. You may find interesting to know that if he had drunk (or not drunk) coffee on this Sunday morning, you might born completely as someone else (for instance in the opposite sex) as kafein changes the speed of male sperms.

3.September.1951, Monday (Your birthday -295 days):

Today your mother ad her last menstrual cycle and started building up the egg, that will be the other half of you.

After today, she will not have this cycle again for a very long time (thanks to you!). She spent Monday as moody, anxious, short-tempered and you should be glad, you were not around her that day!

18.September.1951, Tuesday (Your birthday -280 days):

Your mother's egg is ready to build the other half of you and your father and your mother got together to make you.

But there is still no "you" around so don't get excited much. It can take several hours for your father's sperm to reach your mother's egg and now it is just on its way out.

19.September.1951, Wednesday (Your birthday -279 days):

Out of 500 million sperm on their way to your mother's egg, the sperm which built you has won the race by coming first and the sperm and the egg is became one to make your very first cell. Do you see how lucky your half (the sperm) be by winning coming up first among 500 million other rivals? Never tell you are not lucky anymore!

We can call Wednesday, 19.September.1951 as your "first day alive" because this is when you are a living entity, an embryo, congratulations! Although you are just a 1 cell creature today your unique DNA is also formed so your future destiny like your sex, height, physical apperance, intelligence, characteristic and vulnability to certain dissesases is already been determined.

3.October.1951, Wednesday (Your birthday -265 days):

If your mother is an intelligent women, she would have suspected that she is pregnant at 3.October.1951, Wednesday. She is not very sure yet but she is suspicious. We hope she was excited and joyed, not worried.

10.October.1951, Wednesday (Your birthday -258 days):

Today your mother is telling your father about her pregrancy and he is celebrating to be a daddy!

Day 10.October.1951, Wednesday is also important in that, your heart has pumped for the first time today. We don't know if it is a coincedence that your father learned about you in the very day, your heart first pumped!

25.December.1951, Tuesday (Your birthday -182 days):

Your parents could have lawfully got an abortion until 25.December.1951, Tuesday so this is also an important day of your life. Today they decided you should live!

We are glad they didn't otherwise, we'd lose one site visitor in

24.June.1952, Tuesday(Your birthday):

You are born to a cruel world. Happy birthday little buddy! We hope you remember to enjoy your life which was a big journey from day minus 310 to today.
Something Interesting Fact About Your Life

Born 24.June.1952?: Here is some intersting in your life:

(Add courtesy of and feel free to post this info about 24.June.1952?)
  • Your lucky days are Tuesday (Conceivement date, Your parents decided to not to have an abortion, You were born) and Wednesday (Your first cell is built, Your mother suspects she is pregnant, Your heart beat for the first time).
  • You are exactly 61 years 1 week 6 days 22 hours 58 minutes 21 seconds old.
  • You will receive your next birthday gift in 1 day 1 hour 1 minute 39 seconds later.
  • If your hair were never cut since 24.June.1952, it would be 8.889 m. today.
  • If your nails were never cut since 24.June.1952, they would be 2.206 m. today.
  • An apple tree seeded on 24.June.1952, bore 5,417.144 kg. apple till today.
  • Its contribution to economy is $21,614.4 and it fed 9,089 people. We hope that in your life you, as a human being, achieved more than that poor apple tree


I'm listening to a re broadcast of Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell from a few years ago.

What I heard amazed me.

Seems at one time US astronauts had a problem.They needed a ink pen that would write upside down in a weightless environment.

After research and one million dollars they came up with a fix.


Russian cosmonauts had the same problem.

They fixed it.

They used a pencil.

My ribbon

Seems there is a ribbon for every cause.

Cancer,heart problems,on and on.

Where is my ribbon?

I think I've earned a ribbon for just putting up with all the crude,rude and inconsiderate people I have known in my almost 61 years.

Let me design my ribbon.

Most likely it would be a ribbon that looks like a man biting his lip because he tried to get along with others but it wasn't good enough for them.

I looked I drooled

Back in the 80's every time I walked past the local Radio Shack window I would stop and drool.

There it was.A Tandy TR 80 computer.A real puter with a monitor,keyboard and cassette tape drive.

If I remember right the computer was priced way over my head.

I had just started noticing these things people called personal computers.

For less than $40 bucks you could buy a Sinclair.A computer in kit form.Just a little black box the size of your hand.

About that time folks started hearing about this computer called Apple.Now if I had been smart I should have bought stock in that Apple company.

I settled for a Radio Shack Color Computer.Just a keyboard,cassette drive where you wrote your on programs and it used a TV for a monitor.

One of the local computer whiz kids who just started to work as a computer programmer called them TOYS so I never used it again.

This was the beginning of the PC for most of us.

Now a computer is just as common as a Mr.Coffee maker.

Just stop right there...

Raised in the South.

The third time the news person said that I got the picture.

Everyone in the South was going to be guilty by association only.

Ok friend just stop right there.

Who do you think you are Mr Mrs Everything I do is perfect and never have made a mistake.

I'm talking about what these news folks are saying about Paula Deen.She is not the subject of this little story but the reactions of people.

I'm talking about geographical bigots.Yes you.One person said something and there you go jumping on your high horse condemning a whole area of the United States.

I have heard it in newscast,movies ,songs and print about how terrible the South is and I'm tired of it.

You are dead wrong and shame on you friend.You know not of which you speak.

Read history Mr Mrs Know It All.Open your mind.

Check yourself and release this bigotry you have learned.