Friday, July 19, 2013

Wish for the same

1969 I was 17.
Each week there was a TV program that I watched religiously.
About a free soul on a Harley traveling the United States having a new adventure each week.
I wanted a Harley.
I wanted adventure.
I wanted freedom.
That TV program was called Then came Bronson.
After all these years maybe I still wish for the same.

Hand in the cookie jar

Corrupt people in high places.

Local,state or national it stinks.Every day I hear of it on the news.

Yesterday in a small Georgia town called East Point I hear that 200 million dollars is missing.

Explain to me how does someone misplace 200 million dollars?

Fulton County,Georgia everyday news of someone with hand in the cookie jar.

These people are stealing from you and me and they get just a slap on their hand.

Working man steals and goes to jail.

Bureaucrat steals goes to a country club prison.

Maybe it is good they are where they are,holding office of some sort,in the spotlight just so we can keep an eye on them.

Was I just dreaming

Was I just dreaming?

Did I see that?

When I was 17 my friend J.B. was accidentally shot and he died.

A few weeks later looking out my front door I seen J.B. driving down my street in his old car. The car made no sound.It was like it all was in slow motion.

J.B. looked pale like he did in his casket.

He just had this look on his face as he passed by.

A face of displeasure is the best way I can explain it.

Staring at me as he passed by I can still see that face till this very day 44 years later.

I question myself  till this time if it was real or just a dream.

Did I see J.B's ghost ?


Fine as wine.
Feeling tree top tall.
Fine as frog hair split 3 ways.
Yes that is my mood today.It's really simple.Make the day go as you want.Cost no more to be in a good mood as a grumpy one does.
Think positive.
Don't let others bring you down.
Don't speak with forked tongue Ke-Ma-Sabee.
Listen I mean really listen.
Be happy.
And no I'm not on any medication.