Saturday, December 4, 2010

Son of lint heads

I have lived the majority of my life on what is called a Mill Village.

Always near by me I could lay in bed on summer nights with windows up and hear the clinky clank of the mill.My Momma and Daddy always worked in the mills.

Cotton mills,carpet mills,etc.


Seen them come home from work covered with cotton lint.Hence the word Lint Head.

A word just as derogatory as the N word.

Some took it on them self to look down on us hard working people.Maybe I should have said those hard working people.I never have worked a hard day in my life like Momma and Daddy had to.I was always lucky when it came to jobs.

We lived on the village.In a mill house.You know what the house I live in now is a mill house.It was built in 1925.Sold in the 40's after the war I think.I have been here 32 years this month.

Never was I ashamed to live what some call the wrong side of town.I didn't see it that way.I do know of some who deny living on the village in their youth.Why do that it is nothing to be ashamed of.

We well our parents kept us feed and clothed.They kept the other businesses in town operating by buying their products.At one time mills where the only place for people to work here in LaGrange.

People came from the farms in the country to have jobs.In the 1920's there was a strike here.Some wanted an union.Naturally the mill owners did not want it.I think the National Guard or some private police force was used to quench the strikers.The mill owners fired and turned out some out of their houses who where striking.

The owners did do alot for the workers.

To be fair.

They built schools,libraries,recreation facilities for the workers and their families.Day before I turned 16 I started working in the mill.So all said I guess the mills and mill village will always be a big part of my life and memories.

I think if Momma and Daddy had not moved around so much and stayed at the old Callaway mills they both would have had 50 years each at those mills.The mill a few blocks from the house has just about closed down if it hasn't already. Hillside Plant and at one time was the largest plant in LaGrange.

The village where I live is called Hillside.Yep it is hilly over here.So I am a son of lint heads.It really don't bother me.I know what and who I am.And I am very proud of my folks for working so hard.

They are heroes in my eyes.

I enjoyed that

I have a friend who said his Daddy swears that back in the 1950's he had a beer with Hank Williams at some road side beer joint.That is very possible.My brush with famous people has been very limited.I know a woman said she was stopped at a stoplight in Springfield,Ohio and who do you guess drove up next to her and asked for directions?It was Steven King the writer.Momma seen the train that had FDR's body when it traveled from the Little White House at Warm Springs.Ok this is my brush with famous people.Back in the 60's we where at the watermellon festival in Forest Park,Georgia.The high light of the day was Porter Wagnoer with Speck Green and some unknown woman named Dolly Parton.I did see Jimmy Carter and Rosalyn when he was Governor of the Great State of Georgia.It was at a NASCAR race at what was called Atlanta International Raceway back then.They flew in on a little helicopter piloted by a Georgia State Trouper.This I got a kick out of.One Of the Carter sons tried getting on the helicopter as it was leaving.Just the pilot on board.No matter what that pilot was determined to keep that Carter boy off.The Carter boy fussed and pitched a fit but the pilot flew off without him.You know what I enjoyed that.

Eat a green thing

What for breakfast.I have can peanuts here at computer.I have chocolate chip cookies also.I was thinking laying in bed some nachos would be good.That was my plan.Yesterday this was what I ate.Two tacos,one Mexican pizza and for supper some chili from Wendys.I know junk huh.Today would be a good day for some collards and cornbread and instant mashed potatoes.Instant mashed potatoes are better than homemade plus a whole lot easier and quicker but that is just my thinking.There was a gallon jar of homemade pepper sauce here somewhere.Neighbor gave it to us about 5 years ago.Never been opened.Yikes that stuff might have turned into rocket fuel by now.Bet it has a punch but sure would be good on the collards or turnip greens.My Grandma Smith ate collards.Ended up in the hospital.She was about dead.Doctor told her not to eat that stuff.Feed it to cows not humans he said.He was doctor smart but not country smart.Greens are good for you and taste wonderful.Heard a comedian on TV say his Mom told him to eat a green thing every day.So Think I will take her advice and eat a green thing.

Thank you Susie !

We got cats.We got kittens.Plan was to adopt them out.Well one was.The rest are still here.They just might stay cause I have become attached.Last night it was real late or real early I don't know.My left arm hurts sometimes and it did last night.It woke me up.The pain was bad.From my shoulder down to my fingers it ached.My fingers where numb.Tossing and turning I thought maybe I should wake someone up.I held out it was way to early.This is what happened.The smallest kitten,a black calico who I call Susie got into bed with me.She went under the covers and was laying on my hurting arm.She was so warm and just a purring.You know what?I think that little kitten knew what pain I was having and decided to help.And she did.My pain did go away.Susie little kitten I thank you so much !