Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Best place to be

I would dearly love to be on the Chattahoochee river this morning.Just sitting under a moss covered shade tree watching the river flow by swift and fast.

Just give me a can of potted meat,some soda crackers,RC cola and a big chocolate moon pie.

Just listening to the sound of that rushing water and all God's little creatures singing to glory.

Maybe the best place to be on this hot June morning.


To much fun
In the sun
I did burn
Never will learn

I might be...

Gosh I think I'm bilingual maybe even trilingual.

Let me explain.

I half way can speak English.Southern slang anyway.If wanted I could speak and be understood by my fellow Georgians and Alabamians and if not from here you would have no idea what was being said.

Now back to what I spoke of in the beginning.

I know another language.

Spanish.I speak it pretty good.


That makes me bilingual.

I can also speak a little Italian.


I'm working on a couple more languages as we speak.

Working on my German.


Save me a chair Grand Pa

Farmer.Hunter extraordinaire.Rumored moonshiner/bootlegger.

Lee Anderson Haynes.

My Grand Pa.

The rumor about him being a moonshiner/bootlegger are not so much a rumor as it was fact.

Way I see it he did what was necessary to feed his family.

I'm his namesake.Really I'm named after both of my Grand Pa's.

John Thomas Smith.Baptist preacher and Lee Anderson Haynes.

That makes me John Lee Haynes.A name I like and thank you Momma for taking your time in naming me.She said the nurses where pushing her for a name to put on my birth certificate.

The rest is history.

Yes Grand Pa after 58 years I still miss you.

Hope you got a cool shady tree to sit under and plenty of nice folks for you to talk and tell tales with and all the peaches and cream you want for breakfast.Hope you got some good hunting dogs with you Grand Pa.

Just save me a chair at the breakfast table Grand Pa right next to you and Daddy.