Saturday, August 7, 2010

It was a good choice

I use to have a hobby.It was called Amateur Radio or just ham radio for short.I haven't turned a radio on in years now but it's still in my blood as people say.1976 I got my license or ticket hams call it.My call sign was WN4PFG.The N meant I was an novice operator.The term limit on the ticket was 2 years,At that time if you did not upgrade in that 2 year time limit you had to wait another year before retaking the novice test.I got brave and lucky and went to the FCC office in Atlanta and took my general test and passed first try.Back in those days the test was a written test and a code test.When I say code it is morse code or as hams call it cw.5 wpm for novice 13 for general and advanced and 20 wpm for extra,wpm means words per minute.Now my call sign was WA4PFG which I proudly have to this very day as long as I renewed it every 10 years it is mine.I started out with cw as a novice that was the only mode we could use.Upgrading you could use voice,cw,rtty,satelites,etc.I enjoyed cw so that was what I used and became quite comfortable with it.I could drink a cup of coffee smoke a cig and never miss a word copying it all in my head.That was just about the time people started talking about something called home computers.Guess what those home computers sure caught on and just about everyone I knew had one.I heard people talked about them till the point of boring me about the subject.I said to my self no need for me to get one what could I do with a computer.Well guess what I called the Dell man after seeing a TV ad about their computers and 3 days later it arrived.You know what It turned out to be one of the most wonderful things I ever done.All the people I would never have met other wise that computer abled mew to make friends and learn things I never dreamed possible.

Good greasy fried food

My favorite foods.I like home fries with hush puppies and cole slaw.I worked the evening shift quite alot and that was what I cooked when I got home.After midnight in front of the TV eating that greasy fried fattening food.It was great.I remember the first time I made cornbread dressing.It was wonderful I was so proud of my self I had to show the neighbors.Day old cornbread,egg,can of chicken broth and lots of onions chipped up plus the kicker lots of black pepper.Delicious.Potato salad with cornbread greasy cornbread does it get any better that that?I got pretty good at making peach and cherry cobblers.Beans of any kind,pinto,butterbeans,green lima beans,peas like blackeyes,pinkeyes.I can't bake biscuits.My Aunt Lema tried to show me but I never made a good biscuit.So I cheated and bought the frozen biscuits in a bag.Oh they are so good.Did I mention that I gained some weight?It was hard going on a diet but I did once...Ok I just got on the subject of food next time maybe I will get on subject of something healthy.

Dog Days

Saturday morning August 7th and I'm just sitting here my brain is blank.Another hot day but it's like that every where.Having my 3rd cup of coffee and it's pretty good.Mmm some butter cookies and they are excellent with the coffee.It's that time of the day when things move slow.No one is rushing around maybe cause it's Saturday.I think it's dog days now.From what I know that is when it's so hot that it drives dogs crazy.I just remembered ...when I was a kid during what is called dog days Momma would warn me about walking barefooted in the morning dew if I had a cut or something on my feet because it would get infected easy during dog days.Maybe that is just an old wife's tale.I have heard plenty of them.Never wash clothes on Sunday,eat blackeye peas and collards on New years day,what you are doing on New Years day is what you will doing rest of the year.There are many more but that will be a story for another time.