Sunday, September 15, 2013

Room 31 mystery

A mystery of sorts is facing room 31.

Or has the struggles of life finally caught up with me?Maybe I'm losing what little good sense I did have.Let me explain.

I've wrote before of strange things that have gone on down here in 31.

The small half dollar size light that appears when someone here at the home dies.I see it floating around on the ceiling when it happens.

The knocking on the wall at night over in the PT room when it's closed and no one is there.

Now something else has started here in room 31.

Pennies.Might be pennies from Heaven or something I don't know.But pennies are being found under our beds down here.

It started last week when I noticed one under Mr B's bed.It was picked up by someone but reappeared the next day.

Today I noticed that all the beds in here all 4 had a penny under them.Not anywhere else in the room just under each bed.

Maybe somebody can explain this.Should we be worried or maybe we just need a piggy bank.

I don't think so

Would Dale Earnhardt do this?

How about Mickey Mantle or Hank Arron?

No I don't think they would.

I was watching football on TV yesterday and it was seen again.Supposedly big bad strong men really kids doing something that irks the daylights out of me.

That skipping around like little girls when they do something good.It's just way to much I think.

To be fair baseball players have their on version of that skipping thing.They when happy will bounce up and down like they are on Pogo sticks.And what about that hugging thing?That's ok even I hug other men but baseball players do it the wrong man to man way with both arms and the hugs last just a little to long in my book.

Now with all this said come here give me a hug.

Just think what I could do

I'm saving my pennies.Being nice for Santa.I want one of these things.

Just think what I could do.

Things like get up out of my chair,stand and a little thing called walk.

The marvels of new technology.

Again independence would be mine.

Thanks to God for giving people the knowledge and insight to invent things like this.

It's National Cheeseburger Day!