Sunday, August 24, 2014

Somethings I just don't do

I never learned.

Someone just asked if I wanted to play cards.When I was a kid the only card game I ever played was FISH and that I don't remember how.

I just made a promise to Grandma Haynes as a young boy never would I drink,carry a gun or gamble.

The men in the Haynes family had a problem with that including my Daddy and sometimes they let it get out of hand.

I'm not a goody-two-shoes by any means.I have partaken in more than my fair share of sinful things.

But somethings I just don't do or appeal to me.

Just like Hotel California

Crazy as a Betsy Bug.

The OFH was getting that way yesterday.Tempers short.Old gray haired Ladies fussing.

The endless wandering by some residents.Rolling rolling rolling in their black and chrome chariots.I get tired just watching them on the move every waking moment.

A resident told of a dream he had comparing this place to the song by the Eagles, Hotel California.Like the song said you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.
