Monday, December 3, 2012

Sophie Mae

I got a hankering this morning for some Sophie Mae peanut brittle.Family Dollar use to sell it for buck a box.Oh so yummy one of my favorite snacks.

I tried my hand at making homemade peanut brittle once.Momma got a microwave oven for Christmas years ago and it had this microwave cookbook that came along with it.

Shelled peanuts,salt and Cario syrup was all you needed.I had that and I tried my hand at making it.Well putting it mildly that stuff was so hard it was uneatable.Lesson learned if you want peanut brittle it's best just buying it already made.

I tried making fudge once.Another favorite of mine.What I did wrong is a mystery.That stuff would not get hard.I tried putting it in the fridge and still it was like chocolate soup.

So some things like beans and cornbread and fried taters I can cook.But at times it's just best letting someone who knows what they are doing to fix the snacks.

If this sounds like a hint you might be right.Sophie Mae peanut brittle at Family Dollar,ask if you need my address.

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