Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A big stick will solve some problems

Ok while on the subject of being picked on or bullied I will tell this all so true story.Again it was an older kid.Every time he seen me he would cuss me or something just as wonderful.I was 7 or 8 years old.This is what Daddy told me what to do.How to fix the situation.He told me to get a big stick.I did.Sit on the hood of the car which was parked on the street.I did.Wait for this guy to come by the house.He did.When he starts cussing me and whatever and when he reaches the car where I am sitting.He was.And did.Knock him off his bike with the big stick.I did.Guess what?Problem solved and that kid never said another word to me or cause any problems.

Out of meaness

Six years old and it hurt.Standing in the back alley behind the house I was picking persimmons from a tree.BAM ! I seen stars.I felt this awful pain in my eye.Some kid who was older,maybe a teen had threw a rock on purpose and smacked me in the eye.I cried and I remember he was saying sorry,sorry.I ran home.To the eye Doctor my folks took me.I had a patch that was worned for awhile and what ever else was done I can't remember.I don't even know now which eye it was.I do remember this guy did not like me for what ever reason is unknown by me.It was close to loosing my eye the Doctor said.Plus my eye which ever one it was would always be weaker.So as I sit here at the computer thinking of that incident I can't help to think and ask why he did that to me.His name I don't remember it makes no difference.I wonder if he ever thought about that time out of meanes he almost blinded me.

I love you

All things considered I am a lucky person.I never had to struggle through this life.Plenty of food a place to sleep and clothes on my back.Blessed I am.I have family.Some living some gone.I never have been a huggy kissy type of person.I am changing in my old age.I was talking to one of my Macon cousins well emailing does anyone talk these days.I told her never had I said it but I love all my cousins.We are blood.Family.Even though we lose contact over the years that will never change.We are family.So to all my cousins out there even if I never told you,I love you all.

We would sleep better

Coffee is wonderful this morning.I am out of ideas about what to write about.I was watching the History channel while in bed.They had a program on about Jesse James.Theories on if he was really shot dead by Bob Ford or was it a conspiracy.Seems the rumor was that someone not Jesse was killed and buried.Maybe Bob Ford was just a fall guy,a patsy or maybe even a Judas.Conspiracies are interesting.Take JFK and Oswald.Was he the lone shooter.Another one that intrigues people is the subject of UFO's.Are they real?Is the government hiding the truth.I just had a thought.Maybe we would be better off not knowing these truths.We would sleep a whole lot better I bet.