Saturday, November 23, 2013

Here is your hug

To hug or not to hug.

I was kidding a friend here at the old folks home telling him I was going to give him a big ole country boy hug.

Nope,won't do that,out of the question he said.

That got me thinking.

I knew my parents loved me but showing affection was something we never did.No kisses no hugs no I love you that I can remember.

It was something never done.

I know Momma was raised the same way.I've heard her brother question why they never where showed affection.

Things just run in families I guess and it gets passed down generation to generation.

Maybe a lot of family problems could be solved with more hugs,more reassuring of that you are loved.

The night Daddy died,just me and him in the room,I did something never had I done.

I hugged his neck,told him I love him and kissed him on his forehead.

He nodded his head,eyes closed he said he was sorry,sorry about what I never knew,I told him he had nothing to be sorry for.

He went into a coma and died a few hours later.

I almost waited to long to tell him I loved him.

I would not hesitate to hug him if he walked into this room right now.

By the way I did give my friend a hug this afternoon.


Death I don't fear so much...just getting to that point scares me.

Skipping around like...

More football follies.

NFL ref fined for talking badly to player.

Player fined for talking bad to another and hurting his feelings.

College player flagged for dangerous play.He dived over the huddle on a play.

More slipping and sliding so they won't get tackled by Big Bubba.

More of that skipping around like little 6 year old girls.

What would the old timey players think of all this I wonder?